
Access control protects people, information and property through the restriction of access by unauthorized individuals. Modern offices all across the United States commonly utilize a bare minimum of magnetic and/or electric locks for both safety and security.
As previously stated, if you use a magnetic lock, an unauthorized person such as a tradesman or other person can be left alone to finish his work and the door will lock behind him after he leaves. There is no need to give him a door keypad combination, a key, or let him leave a door unlocked.
The electric version presents a very modern twist to the traditional keyed lock. Also known as an electronic lock, this type of lock uses electric currents. Some people still prefer to use keys to unlock doors. You would have keys with this lock, but, unlike traditional locks, re-keying cylinders on these would be a snap.
This lock records all of the locking and unlocking people would do on it. It can even be monitored, locked and unlocked from a remote location. Wireless access control works especially well for businesses that need to give package carriers, tradesmen and others quick, temporary access. Hook up a camera and a communication device and he can let you know when he needs you to let him in. You can use these locks as part of an electronic control assembly or you can have your control system connected to them.